Next fall, the School of Music at Anderson University is starting a new way to connect with students across campus. Anderson’s Music Education Department is offering a drumline class at the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
Adam Waller, the assistant professor of instrumental music education and the director of bands at Anderson said, “I know a lot of students were involved in that activity in high school, but may not want the structure and rigor of a music degree.”
The drumline class will be listed in the School of Music catalog as an ensemble class, so students who want to participate, no matter their major, can. Waller also hopes the drum line class can fulfill a liberal arts requirement for students who take it.
The School of Music at Anderson hopes that the drumline will not only help them connect with students all across campus, but also build a better atmosphere for AU. The drum line will be present at Anderson University football games in the fall and basketball games in the spring to help build a more interactive fanbase at the games.
“Anyone who participates in the class will get an activity award,” said Waller. “Students will get $1000 off of their tuition with this award.” The activity award that Anderson is offering students is not just a one time award. Every year that the student is in the drumline they will be able to receive this award.
Though the goal of the School of Music was to reach students outside of their majors and minors, there are still plenty of benefits of joining this class for students already in the School of Music. Waller explained that if music education students who want to be high school band directors join this class, it could show them how a drumline is run.
Adjunct Professor at Anderson University David Robbins will be the one in charge of the drum line. Robbins is more than qualified to take on that position as he is currently playing in six orchestra’s around central and northern Indiana, along with teaching in the Anderson School systems since 1986.
“I am very excited to see the students play in front of live audiences while also having a hand in the creative process of assisting in writing music for the group,” said Robbins.
Robbins also highlighted how helpful being a part of the drum line would be to students who want to run a high school band.
Asher Glover, a freshman music business major at AU, is very excited about the drum line coming to campus.
“I did drumline for all four years of high school and my last year of middle school,” said Glover. “It was a great way to connect with the fellow people in percussion because you are with them for so long.”
Glover also spoke about how being in a drumline can help grow people’s character.
“Carrying around 40 pound drums for several hours during a game can be a little taxing on the body,” said Glover.
He also explained that the drumline will add a lot of intensity to the atmosphere at the games on campus.
“When you do really fun drum cadences, the student body gets hype at the sporting events, and it makes for a really fun atmosphere,” said Glover.
Some of the coaches on campus are excited about the drum line coming next school year as well. Head Football Coach Steve Rock said that “it will be nice to have some on-time pep music when things happen during the game.”
Jon Gin, head coach of the women’s basketball team, had no idea that the drum line was coming to campus next season.
“Whatever it takes to get our student body engaged and pumped, I’m up for it,” said Jin.
Any student that is interested in joining the AU drumline can contact Adam Waller, the director of bands, to set up an audition and have a small chat with Waller about your music background.