On Friday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m. in Reardon Auditorium, the dance department will be showcasing its annual production “Fall into Dance.” Designed by student dancers as a way for them to express themselves under the careful guidance of faculty, juniors Abigail Mercer, Emmaline Parker and Erin Powell explain what the process of putting together a production such as this looks like.
Parker, a dance pedagogy and writing double major, is one of the choreographers for Fall into Dance, said “The process begins the semester before whenever we have our casting.” She went on to explain “as a student choreographer, we submit a little form, and, typically, have a rough idea about what music we want to use including a theme and a style. Casting begins afterwards, so that the dancers get a list of the pieces they will be in.”
Looking at a dancer’s perspective, Powell explains that “rehearsals began the week before finals last semester, but they didn’t start practicing anything until a week before the school year.” This was so that the choreographers could work through their vision during the summer and collect their thoughts.
Mercer said, “I think it’s really neat that students have the opportunity to choreograph, especially because it’s not typically done before college.”
“Faculty also helps to guide us through the process so that if we have any questions, we can turn to them. We also send them weekly updates in which they give us some feedback,” Parker said.
While Fall into Dance is named for the season, the overall message is not fall themed exclusively. Each choreographer will have their own cast, music and message they want to convey during the performance.
Parker stated, “I think it’s going to be one of the best shows we’ve had because I think every year, each show builds onto the next, so each one is getting better and better. Come into it with an open mind because each piece will be different. Don’t expect the vision to be the same across the board,” Parker said. “Just come with appreciation for the arts and be ready to enjoy quality choreography and each vision.”
Fall into Dance is free to AU students. For non-AU students, tickets can be purchased through the Reardon box office at (765) 641 – 4140 or at the door. Military and senior citizen discounts are available.