AU women’s basketball is looking to build off a surprising 2018-19 season. The Lady Ravens went 9-16 (5-13 in conference play) which was a drastic improvement from the year before. The Ravens vastly improved from a winless 2017-18 season. The main cause of the turnaround was a great mix of freshman talent and experienced upperclassmen. The current roster is young, but now possesses even more experience with a talented freshmen class. “We have some amazing young women in our … [Read more...]
AU E-Sports Club builds community through gaming
The clicking of mouses, strategic conversations and a myriad of emotions is what you can find at an E-Sports Club meeting. E-sports has taken the world by storm, and it is starting to be introduced to the AU community. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of e-sports is “a multiplayer game competitively played for spectators, typically by professional gamers.” However, at AU, the E-Sports Club takes a more relaxed approach. “We’re a bunch of nerds in a computer … [Read more...]
International students leave impact on AU athletics
Sports have been around for about 3,000 years, since the first Olympic games in 776 B.C. For so long, athletes have traveled to different countries to showcase their skills in their specific sport. Jesse Hernadez and Ackeem Hanna are international athletes who came to AU to showcase their athletic skills. Hernadez is a sophomore musical theatre and marketing major from Trujillo, Perú. He is also part of the AU men’s tennis team. Hernadez, like many athletes, started learning his craft … [Read more...]
Out-of-state tournaments contribute to volleyball’s slow start
A lot of travel is hard on any team, but a young team without much experience can struggle to find success. That’s the case for the AU’s volleyball team. The lady Ravens are 5-10 in the early part of their season. “The month of September in the world of volleyball is difficult on all players, freshmen through seniors alike,” said head coach Tami Miller. “The good news is that we have a great coaching staff that is willing to work with us, but it definitely wears on you.” The season … [Read more...]
New SGA president and vice president talk future
Juniors Becca Peach and Carter Haupt are the new president and vice president respectively of SGA for the 2019-2020 academic school year. “Ever since I found out I have been oscillating wildly between being very excited about it and thinking, ‘What have I done,’” Peach said. Peach knows the pressures the title of president brings, but she is excited about the challenge. Peach has aspired to become the SGA president since the last SGA election when former President Victor Mweu ran … [Read more...]
Featured Faculty: Dr. Jeff Trotter
Alphonso Blackwell has a conversation with Dr. Jeff Trotter, associate professor of education. [transcript] … [Read more...]
AU nursing program ranked first in Indiana
The nursing program at AU was ranked number one in the state of Indiana in 2019 by “They looked at all the schools in the state of Indiana and ranked us number one,” said Lynn Schmidt, dean of the School of Nursing and Kinesiology. “They compiled five years of information, including NCLEX pass rates, which is the licensure exam that a student needs to become a nurse. Every nurse in the state takes the same exam. They look at the test scores for the … [Read more...]
Campus Activities Board: Behind the scenes
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) has been offering interesting events such as Wingo Bingo, The Flop and Meijer Mania for years now. The process for putting on these events requires a lot of hard work, time and effort. Trent Palmer, the director of CAB and the 10 “cabbies,” plan and execute CAB events on campus. It all starts with a meeting before each semester to decide on the events for that semester. During the event selection process, they try to poll the student body on what kinds of … [Read more...]
Q & A with Michael Thigpen
Mike Thigpen is the director of the Cultural Resource Center located on the second floor of Decker Hall. Thigpen is also a member of MOSAIC, which is a team of students appointed by the CRC to “build an interculturally responsive campus,” and is the staff adviser to the social club Phi Alpha Kappa. What did your career look like before you came to AU? I have been in ministry for over twenty years. Beyond that, I have worked with youth, adults and Christian organizations. Before AU, I … [Read more...]
Student demand for counseling increases
Christal Helvering, director of Counseling Services at Anderson University since 2008, discussed student mental health on campus. She has noticed an increase in students seeking mental health services here at AU. “In each of the last two years, Counseling Services has serviced 20 percent of the undergraduate students,” said Helvering. “While the reasons for this are not entirely clear, it’s safe to say that this is due to a combination of at least two factors. “More students are arriving … [Read more...]