This is the first in a series of podcasts produced by the Andersonian about AU professors and their lives both in and out of the classroom. Hannah Ader sits down with Dr. Jason Varner, assistant professor of the History of Christianity. [transcript] … [Read more...]
Q & A with Becca Palmer
Becca Palmer is originally from Springfield, Illinois, but has lived in Anderson since she came to AU for college. She is now the director of spiritual formation and oversees chapel worship, female and male discipleship coordinators and campus ministries. What initially led you here to AU? When I started looking for colleges, my Bible study leader at the time told me that if she could do it all over again, she would have gone to AU. I had never heard of it, but she told me all about the … [Read more...]
Q & A with Dr. Gilbert Lozano
Dr. Gilbert Lozano is orignially from Columbia and has lived and taught in Brazil. He received his bachelor’s from Warner Pacific College and his Master’s of Divinity and Ph.D from the University of Denver at the Iliff School of Theology. Can you tell me a little bit about your background? I was born in Columbia in the previous century. I am so old. In comparison to this incoming class, I am prehistoric. I became a Christian when I was 13 or 14 years old. I sensed very strongly very … [Read more...]
The Christian Center serves as a beacon of hope
When the world asks what the basic needs of survival are, society answers almost unanimously: “food, shelter and clothing.” Often, these small, significant aspects of life are taken for granted and overlooked. But for some, life is no longer possible because these needs are barely and rarely met. The need of a roof and walls for shelter, nourishment for health and clothing for the body is hardly given a second thought until these necessities are no longer readily available. As the homeless … [Read more...]
Q & A with Ackeem Hanna
Ackeem Hanna is a sophomore from the Bahamas. He is studying mechanical engineering. You’re from the Bahamas. Tell me a bit more about that. There are like 700 islands and keys in the Bahamas, but I am from an island called Freeport, which is on Grand Bahama. Growing up, there was about 10 of us in one house. My mom took care of me all of her life, and I never had a father in my life. My mom is now pregnant, which is pretty cool. This will be my first sibling. My family is all still … [Read more...]
Enactus prepares students through experience and competition
“We believe investing in students who take ENtrepreneurial ACTion for others creates a better world for US all” is the statement and abbreviation that Enactus aims to embody. An internationally invested organization, Enactus is a student-led business group that aids in economic development throughout specific communities. Specifically through the AU chapter, those in the organization seek to create a partnership with local community entrepreneurs. “AU Enactus is AU’s chapter of Enactus … [Read more...]
Q & A with Maggie Platt
Maggie Platt attended AU as an undergraduate student and completed her bachelor’s in 2007. Since then, she has worked in youth and camp ministry before returning to AU as a resident director in 2013. She served as RD of Rice and Martin Halls and is now the director of residence life and student conduct. Platt earned her Master of Science in Management and Leadership in 2016. Tell me a little bit about how you initially came to AU. I was planning on going to Indiana University. My mom told … [Read more...]
Chorale members reflect on trip to Scandinavia
As a tradition, every three years the AU Chorale takes a trip to Nordic countries in Northern Europe. This past May, about 30 students, including director Dr. Richard Sowers and accompanist Chrislyn Reed, traveled to Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, performing in many historic churches and collaborating with European musicians. Sowers has connections to many European churches and leads each trip different from the last. The finale of the tour, however, is always the same, as the group … [Read more...]
ITS releases new WiFi network
Information Technology Services has created a new wireless network as the main campus connection. According to Executive Director of ITS, Michael Tucker, the new WiFi, Raven Wireless, has been created to be more secure than the old AUWireless: “Last year we replaced a lot of the wireless equipment. This year we improved the security.” Those using the new WiFi will most likely not notice a large difference as far as quality goes, though. The improvements were almost solely focused on the … [Read more...]
Testimonies speak: Salvation from self-destruction
From a young age, Boris Sitnikoff was exposed to faith in a very distinct manner. As a toddler, he and his family moved to Tennessee from Indianapolis, where his first memories are filled with fear and spiritual attack. “I had a lot of nightmares of these shadow things that were chasing me and throwing me around,” Boris said. “I was struck with fear endlessly, and I couldn’t stay in a room alone for more than 10 seconds.” These nightmares were more than just dreams for Boris, and the … [Read more...]